Monday, August 30, 2004
Friday, August 27, 2004
My Cabin
Most of you know already, so this is just a reminder, some of you don't so hey, guess what. OCTOBER 22 begins the "Screw the Real World Weekend". I'm not talking about the show on MTV. I'm talking about the "work my ass off for money that pays for things I don't need and sometimes don't want" real world. The gossip filled,need more money, I'm too tired, printer is jammed, coffee drinking, taxed to the max, 40 hours at least, dry-cleaning, white out stroking, no summer break, parents don't pay for food or cook anymore, bills, bills, bills, I'm getting fat, I'm going bald, go out on Wednesday night?, my knee hurts, my back hurts, my neck hurts, my pride hurts, world!!! Ever since my voicemail started with a "Thanks for calling so and so" instead of "This is Derek leave a message", my life has been missing a youthful side. So lets leave the lower peninsula to the zombies and go up to a place untouched by the "Real World" where the only reminders of civilization will be beer and cigarettes. Where nudity is ok, and a group of white people rapping around a fire doesn't seem too out of place. Some place that it's ok to drink when you wake up, and it's ok to cook your steak on the ground. Where the only reading material is playboy or penthouse and the closest hospital is hours away. Everyone is invited from single guys and girls to couples. It doesn't matter if you shovel all day, or sit in a cubicle, it's time to get out of the real world. Who needs constant electricity anyway? Bring your cell phones to really feel the separation from home, cause they won't work. There is plenty of places to sleep and poop. If you have any questions just call me. I will post directions on my blog closer to the time of departure. Most of you got emails saying exactly all of the above, this is for you who didn't or those who have forgotten. By the way, its the little red roof in the picture. So, that goes to show that there aren't any 7-11 stores or CVS's near by.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
My real House
Ok ok that last picture wasn't my house. Thanks to everyone that pointed that out. Here is a real picture, mine is the top one closer to the bridge. That's me with the blue hair and the cape. Isn't the stream beautiful. I'm really going to love living there. Sure there is no driveway or garage, but I have a treasure chest in the front yard and I don't even know what is inside it. Isn't that exciting?
Monday, August 23, 2004
A picture of my house below
You like? I got a good deal, thought I would put up a picture for all to see. Need to sell the car to make sure I can afford it so if anyone wants to buy a camaro let me know. I figure its worth around $70,000 so I'll let it go for around $9,000. Or less. Anyone watching Monday night football? It's nice to see football again but I am more into watching the Lions. I'll have a Lions game party at the new house after I own it, unless I can figure out a way to get inside before I own it and then we can make a mess and I won't have to clean it up.
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Sunday, August 15, 2004
They accepted!
And on Sept. 15 I will move in. So October 22 weekend looks like a good up north weekend for everyone who will attend. Please look at the calander and tell me if that weekend looks good or not. Its the 4th weekend of 5. The 5th will obviously be Halloween so that weekend is out. The weather should be outstanding in late october up there with no bugs, but still kinda warm in the daytime. Leave a post or email or call me and let me know if you think thats a good time to go, if you have shit to do just say so and maybe we will move it back a week. For those of you who don't know my pager, it's 800-938-2697. Try it some time, it's fun.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
OK, Bought me a house!
Kinda, waiting for them to accept the offer. They are asking $147,000, I offered $145,000, so we'll see. I am sure they will take it. But no above ground pool because it's not the house I put a picture of below. Unfortunatly i don't have a picture yet, so when I own it I will take a picture and post it for all to see. It is on the Redford-Livonia border, and it's close to I-96. There are many strip clubs with in 10 minutes so there is plenty to do at night. Or during the day now that I think of it. I am buying it because it has a grill with a gas line from the house, so you never run out of gas. That IS the only reason I want the house. Oh and at work I am trying to secure R. Wallace's loan on a 8.4 million dollar house. He is buying it right now and I am trying to get the deal since he used a realtor at my office. Some old lady at Century 21 who I am willing to sleep with if she can get this deal for me. Quick reference for ya, if I made 1 point on the deal, that would equal $40,000 in my pocket. I can live with that. Don't think I will get it because I am too young, white, non jewish, and I have a big nose, but who knows?
Monday, August 09, 2004
Al Qaeda is going to bomb you BBQ grill
No more fun for you! The terrorists are going to bomb your car, boat, plane, dog, toilet, and electric shaver come election time. Wow I never get sick of hearing about that. Everyday, "we have intelligence that says they are preparing to strike America". No shit! They hate us, and so help me GOD they better not postpone the election for "our saftey" or I' I'll sit back and take it like every other American. Damn, we should stop giving so much attention to it. But on the other hand, fear sells well. So everyday my home page will have "breaking news" on how I'm in danger. Statistically speaking, I'm in no danger. Better chance getting hurt driving today then getting bombed. "Breaking news" you can get hurt driving!!!! Don't get in your cars. Silverware can be sharp. No more eating for anyone! Sporks are the new utensil of choice. Oh wait, that's already the case in airports and on planes. Damn, even trying to make fun of it unveils how crazy it has become. Sorry, enough from me.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Little House on the prarie
Well, I'm making an offer today. It's a good deal on a house. I'm not gonna tell anyone untill they except the offer, just to see if anyone really reads this. Sure their is more living space in my cabin up north, but this one has great schools! And look, a non-heated above ground pool. I'll be the most popular kid on the block! | ![]() 9UUK8OCARMAA72 Originally uploaded by etarak. |
![]() Above Ground? Originally uploaded by etarak. |
Sunday, August 01, 2004
So now what?
So i just keep coming here and typing stuff? Um, well our birds flew away. It was sad, I wasn't ready for them to go. Actually Amber forced their first flight with fear. She was trying to pet them, and they took flight for the first time never to return, leaving their nest and many turds behind. I'll get a new picture of them up soon. I am watching Simple Life 2, it's kinda like Saved by the Bell, in that they both are not good shows, but if you come across them, you watch them and you don't why. I'm looking at houses again this week, hopefully I catch a good one. I'll let everyone know if I find one. The big fun weekend at the cabin will be in October. I am trying to pick a week so if you know you can't go on a weekend, then let me know! I was thinkin like last weekend of the month. Peace out my Niggaz!