Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Originally uploaded by etarak.
We are back from the wild, and sorry to everyone for my bad directions. It may have made it a little harder for you to get there, but think how bad I got it. For now on, nobody will ever trust my directions again. That kinda sucks, but is well desereved. And to all that said they would come up and didn't, you suck. I should post your names and your lame ass reasons so that everyone who did go can laugh at your excuses. Instead I could go into a polictal rant, but it wouldn't matter. Nothing I can say no matter how right or well thought out or intelligent it is, it won't make a difference. If I said, "Bush sucks cause..." and you disagree and still vote Bush, it's because you are not smart enough to understand what I said. That's right, this is my blog and I am the all mighty know everything GOD! And if you agree with my statement that Bush sucks then I am wasting my time saying anything anyway. So, lets talk about space monkeys. Do you think there are any dead, undecomposed monkeys in space because of some experiment we did in the past? And do aliens think they are just some sort of litter or garbage that earthlings leave lying around space? Hmm. What if one came back into our atmosphere and didn't burn entirely up, would we study it and think it was an alien? And then finally realize it was a monkey we put there in the first place. Do you think I'm stoned right now? Am I asking too many questions when it's not really possible for you to answer me? Well I'm not stoned, just watching Brian play the new GTA. One good thing about living with someone who loves video games more than an 8 year old boy living in an upper class neighborhood is we always have the newest games. And speaking of nothing important at all, have I talked about poop on this blog yet? I don't think I have. So, look for it in a blog coming soon!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

"How do I get to your cabin?"

Originally uploaded by etarak.
Good question. First take 75 north. As soon as you cross the bridge into the U.P you will look for hwy 2. Take 2 West for about 65.5 miles. You will be on 2 for over an hour, about an hour and 20 min depending on how fast or slow you drive. Then look for MI-77, and take that North. Go North on MI-77 for about 10-11 miles to "Manisique River Road". Take a right, or east on River Rd. River road is curvy and dirt, so be careful. After about 5-6 miles, start looking for a opening on the left side of the road that looks like you could turn around. It's just a widening of the road on the left side, right after that is my driveway. It is very hard to see so go slow. It is only an opening in the woods. I will put something out so that everyone can see when I get there. Not sure what it will be yet, but it will be something that doesn't grow natually in the woods so you will figure it out.
So recap, North on 75, West on Hwy 2, North on MI-77, East on River Rd. Left into my cabin. Easy!

Friday, October 15, 2004


Originally uploaded by etarak.
I hooked up fast internet in my house today!!! So I also broke my new airpot express by tripping on the wire, but for 10 bucks i got a new piece. So I have internet so yay!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Originally uploaded by etarak.
My last post didn't post so here is a reminder that I'm alive.

Its been a while...

Could you tell that I was singing Staind? Yay for new support system for blog, it's fast again. Well Chicago was F'n sweet, maybe because I maintained a buzz for at least 12 hours and didn't try to fight anyone. Got to see some old friends and got to make some new ones. I professed my love to Scott, and told a woman she was beautiful just like my mother. The whole night was fun and no bad stuff happend to anyone that I'm aware of so it was a success. I'm not sure if the halloweenie thing is still on or not, but if you want to hang out that weekend at my house and dress up, thats still cool with me. I've just been informed that yada yada is a jewish term. Is that true? Blah blah blah is Christian I'm sure, but yada yada? Please inform me, I don't want my ignorance to piss of any jews.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


What is going on with blogspot? I would have been keeping up to date with my blog, but I don't have the patience to wait for this site to come up, "But I want my buffalo now!" Anyhoo, I have a house. Come see it, come visit and bring food! We are hungry! Brian, Chad and I, oh and Heika, are roomies now. Almost lost Heika in the city of Redford yesterday. Looked for her for 3+ hours and turns out she was fenced in someone elses backyard. If you want more details just ask Chad. So, who is going to Chicago this weekend? Who is going to the cabin? Who is going to come over to my house on the 29th for a makeshift halloween party? Who is going to go crazy because they haven't had a weekend to themself for months? Sorry, but I just LOVE to see you all as much as possible. Well, maybe not all of you. Did you hear about tailgating at MSU? Might not be able to drink anymore. Why the FUCK would we drive to East Lansing if we can't get super wasted by 10AM? I mean other than Christmas and church, when can you drink that early in morning?