Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Its been a while...

Could you tell that I was singing Staind? Yay for new support system for blog, it's fast again. Well Chicago was F'n sweet, maybe because I maintained a buzz for at least 12 hours and didn't try to fight anyone. Got to see some old friends and got to make some new ones. I professed my love to Scott, and told a woman she was beautiful just like my mother. The whole night was fun and no bad stuff happend to anyone that I'm aware of so it was a success. I'm not sure if the halloweenie thing is still on or not, but if you want to hang out that weekend at my house and dress up, thats still cool with me. I've just been informed that yada yada is a jewish term. Is that true? Blah blah blah is Christian I'm sure, but yada yada? Please inform me, I don't want my ignorance to piss of any jews.


Blogger Derek said...

No, I said I almost got into a fight. A guy was mad at me because I was hitting on him to make Dave's friend laugh. He wanted to fight but I just stood up to the guy and said "ya, I'm asking if your gay too. So what" and he just turned around. So I ALMOST got into a fight, but I didn't try STARTING any.

October 13, 2004 at 3:04 PM  

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