Sunday, February 27, 2005

Happy B day to Eck!

Originally uploaded by etarak.
I knew him when he was only 19. He was sooo cute back then. Happy Birthday happy Mike. Hopefully you get all the crap you want today!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Why is everyone sick?

Originally uploaded by etarak.
It's time to be healthy. I have been on the tightrope of sickness for some time now. Poor Amber is miserable. Everyone is sick, which you wouldn't think with all the time spent in Vegas. Here is my advice, if you have been sick for more then 3 days then consult Sammit. If he can't help, seek a licensed doctor. They can't cure a cold or the flu, but they can provide chemicals that make you feel better. And if you don't use them you can always sell them. So, that is all the advice I have for you today. Oh, and don't mix Jack Daniels with Scotch.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Why do I wrestle?

Originally uploaded by etarak.
So oops. A lil too much to drink. Every time I drink a little bit with Brian, next thing I know I should be concerned about my well being. I didn't do anything bad, just stupid. Getting excited about stuff and making unnecessary decisions. But, I love everyone and the inuries were non-violent. So, yay, Derek tried to do laundry a little to intently, but, it's clean. And, nobody is hurt, except me. Miss everyone, we should hang out soon. Obviously I got the crazyness out, time to be civil.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Gone forever?

Originally uploaded by etarak.
Tom Smith has departed for the great land of Tennessee. Moonshine and cheaper beer have attracted our friend to the deep south. So I have posted this picture in remembrance of his kindness, his cleanliness, and his appetite. In case it isn't clear enough, that is Tom, licking cheese sauce off of my hairy nipple one night. He forgot about my camera phone so this wasn't a set up, just a friendly gesture. So he joins Mcmullen, Streams, the Szumlinskis, and many more in the escape from Michigan. Tom, we will miss you.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Last one I swear...

Last one I swear...
Originally uploaded by etarak.
Anyone still stop by? I know it's been awhile, but I don't have anything to say. So if anyone wants to discuss anything please post it and we will start a conversation and everyone else can come and read it. Naw that sucks, don't do that. Let's talk about the Superbowl. I will most likely be at Mcmullybutt's with Amber. If anyone is looking for something to do, call Ryan. His rents are out for the weekend so weez gonna drop it like its hot....if anyone just cringed then I am smiling. If anyone is around the Livonia area on Tuesdays and Thursdays then call me for lunch cause I found out not to long ago that Lori has been frequenting the area twice a week for work. Occasionally we get to meet for lunch so if anyone is in town on those days call and we can all go. So when are YOU going to Vegas? If you are reading this then you are probably planning a trip since I've been invited to go four different times later this year. Sorry everyone but I probably won't make it this year, so have fun. Throw 10 on black for me, ahh F*ck it here is a $100, put it on HARD EIGHT! Ya, i get excited thinking about losing all that money.