Sunday, April 10, 2005

It's that time of the month again...

Blog Entry
Originally uploaded by etarak.
Time to blog. Seems to me I can sum up any one of my friend's life during a one year span into 12 seperate posts. Are we all really that lame? Eckler does a good job but the rest of us need to work on posting because we don't see each other that often. Next thing you know I will bump into one of you in a movie theater some day and say, "Oh my God, I haven't seen you in soooo long. How are you?" And they will say "Good. I have two kids now and all I do is work. We are just about to go into this movie, but it was great to see you." And I will say "Ya, you too. Take care" and I will think back and say to myself, "How did we ever drift apart? Oh ya, he/she stopped blogging and we never talked again. I wonder if we kept bloggin on a regualr basis if we would still be buds." Hmm, lets not take that chance.


Blogger Melissa said...

d--i need you to call me asap. i need a babysitter on friday and i choose you, jigglypuff!

April 13, 2005 at 6:42 PM  

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