Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Originally uploaded by etarak.
RICE CRISPY TREAT ICE CREAM. Mmmm. Doesn't that sound good. If only I could patent something that is trademarked already. I closed a loan today that has been kinda like herpes, hangin around causing me discomfort all the time. So now life doesn't suck anymore. Now it is just ok. The Depression alert level has gone down to orange. Sorry to have elevated it last post and not had a nervous breakdown. The crap I complain about is soooo stupid compared to real problems that people have to face all over the world. It's not like I will ever have to worry about my period starting while I'm stripping during amateur night, or that an old man will touch me like the Catholics have to worry about. And I don't have the stress that someone may find the body I so cleverly cut to pieces, sealed into glad lock freezer bags and packed into the stuffed black bear I bought from an old drunk man in Nova Scotia last year. Look at the bright side of things, Family Guy is on three networks instead of none and new episodes are on the way. Time to smile.


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