Thursday, November 03, 2005


Originally uploaded by etarak.
What a coo car. That would be fun to drive around the beaten streets of Redford in. Don't get me wrong, my Grand Am-it is sweet too, but I don't like the window switches in the middle of the car. Some things can remain traditional. If fact, I believe this car has manual windows. So I want everyone to know I love my job. It is so cool that it makes it easy to get up in the morning regardless how many bottles of fermented grapes or distilled grain I pushed through my system hours earlier. I'm also not broke (super broke at least) anymore. I can pay my bills without relying on a calculator to protect me from the bank's NSF charges. So life is pretty good. Finally got a cable modem and ditched the DSL so maybe the lack of internet frustration will inspire me to return to this web log three or four times as often.
So the Halloween party was bad azz! Super bad azz. I had lots of fun and from what I could tell so did a lot of other people. No fights, no stolen items, no major damage, and no poop stains anywhere. I know what you are thinking, if there are no poop stains anywhere how fun could this party have been? Well somehow it managed to entertain without the pleasent presence of nutrient drained food. We went through well over $200 in liquor, a keg, plenty of green stuff, and a couple bottles of wine. The best part was seeing all the people I don't get to see, although Lori and Scott and his hot sister snuck out without saying goodbye to me. But you guys probably stayed till 4 am and it just seemed early to me since I didn't sleep. Thanks to everyone that came, I had fun and I hope you did too. If anyone wants to email me during the day and have me read it almost instantly use this address.